The production process of degreased cotton in the production line of degreased cotton includes automatic cotton grabber,cotton dust remover,cotton coagulator,cotton press, automatic high-temperature degreasing scouring and bleaching machine,degreased cotton dehydrator,cotton loosening machine, cotton feeder, degreased cotton continuous dryer, cotton packing machine. The whole machine absorbs the essence of the same type of machine in Germany, and is redesigned in combination with the current production status of degreased cotton to achieve energy conservation, environmental protection and efficiency in the entire production process.

1.The automatic cotton grabbing,machine,cotton dust collector,and cotton coagulator,optimized by aerodynamics,ensure smooth fiber conveying and high production.

2.Hydraulic cotton press,capable of pressing 500-i000kg of raw cotton into cakes in 40-60 minutes, efficiently saving space

3.The fully automatic high-terperature degreasing and b!eaching machine adopts fully automatic control,‘accurately controlling the proportion of various chemical additives, thoroughly removing variousimpurities and bleaching fromraw materials,while reducing pollution emissions.

4.The specially designed skim cotton dehydrator adopts fulI frequency converter speed control to complete the dehydration process in 40-60 minutes,with a moisture contentof 40-50% after

5.The newiy designed cotton,Ioosening machine,cotton feeder, and, degreased cotton continuous dryer are assembled into a complete machine through three processes,shortening production distance, reducing,production space waste,and achieving efficient production.

6. Oil pressure cotton packaging machine can quickly pack finished products of differentsizes and numbers of packaging belts according to customer requirements.